Andrej Pejic for HEMA 2011
Andreja Pejic is a transgender woman. She is a model and it is interesting to see her career as a model.

The industry has taken advantage and has made use of her image where is sexual stereotyped.

This is an example I wanted to show to make reference to plastic surgery, sexual stereotypes and beauty standards.
Andreja Pejic 2017
-Body language,
-Model industry
El diablo
This was for the midterm presentation. Although I did my homework, I didn't prepare me good enough to present.
But I also didn't mention that gender wasn't where I want to focus. The example was more a comment about beauty standards. My aim is actually to research and work on body modifications for the essay.

Other ways of plastic surgery
Articles from The Politics of Design book. I chose them because they are related to the topic I want to work with. The human body and its modifications.
Andreja as a person